Often, bans are placed on food additives that are used for colouring foods or for working as a preservative.
However, are all of those bans really necessary? There are a couple of groups that are rethinking some of the bans on the additives.
Two groups: the European Food Safety Authority and the Joint Food and Agricultural Organization/World Health Organization have both indicated that some additives have been unfairly banned in certain parts of the world. The reason this is important to you is that these additives are available in Australia, but you may read about the ban elsewhere and become concerned. Unfairly banned additives in other countries include the following:
This is an intense level artificial sweetener that was banned in the United States because it was believed to be carcinogenic. However, repeat studies did not show any signs of these concerns. It is considered safe in proper amounts, and it is found in flavoured waters throughout Australia.
This is a food colouring that was determined to be a carcinogen also. However, detailed studies have been performed and it has been deemed safe in Australia and in Europe. It is still banned in the United States.
Vegetable Carbon
This is a food colouring that was banned in the United States because it was believed to include hydrocarbons that can cause cancer. However, studies performed in 2012 deemed the food colouring to be safe, that the required amount to actually be dangerous is beyond possible human consumption levels.
Should you be concerned about these products? Studies have been performed by two separate groups that indicate the additives are safe. You do not have to be concerned if you consume foods that include the additives. The amount of the additives used is carefully monitored and are safe in those portion levels.